I have created files on my local machine. It includes assignments, projects, documents, sample programs in C, C++, Java etc. Now I don't have any single file with me as a proof of my work. Why does it happened? It all happened because of not storing my files anywhere. Also I don't have sufficient storage too. I always want to access them from any where. I don't want to bring pendrive, hard disk or pc etc. in class for assessment. Then I came to know about GitHub, I heard about it when I was in third year. I have created account on GitHub but don't know how to use it. Also don't know about Git. Since one month I have been working on Git. I have pushed each and every file on my GitHub repostory. Now I have proof of my work.
Let's push files on GitHub repository:
Create a file
cat >> Myfile.md
Initialise the git
git init
Add file
git add Myfile.md
Check Status
git status
Commit file with message
git commit -m "Myfile added"
Add remote origin
git remote add origin github.com/username/repo_name
Push file
git push -u origin master
Thank you,